A non-comprehensive list of awesome turfgrass things other people did in 2019

Here’s a non-comprehensive list for this year. I’ve certainly missed lots of awesome things. If you’d like to add them, please do so in the comments.

  • Bruce Clarke, Paul Vincelli, Paul Koch, and Gregg Munshaw updated the Chemical Control of Turfgrass Diseases 2020 reference. There’s an amazing amount of useful information in those 34 pages.

  • It’s awesome when there is a golf event happening and the GCSAA’s tournament fact sheet is available with background information about the course maintenance.

  • It’s awesome to have programs and events like Syngenta’s Growing Golf, Bayer’s Women in Golf, the GCSAA’s Ladies Leading Turf event at the Golf Industry Show, to encourage and support women in the turf industry.

  • Some of the top courses in the Philippines have women superintendents and/or assistant superintendents and staff. It’s awesome to see that and to see the support for the industry there by Nutranta Inc.

This idea is based on Jeff Leek’s non-comprehensive awesome lists from Simply Statistics.

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