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Layers in the rootzone
Layers in the rootzone are supposed to be bad. The images above and below look awful, don’t they? A layer like that could inhibit rooting, stop water flow, and all kinds of things.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Two weeks in August
I worked at golf tournaments in consecutive weeks, first at Hazeltine National Golf Club during the U.S. Amateur Championship, and then flew to Japan to work at Keya Golf Club for the KBC Augusta Tournament.
Micah Woods
4 min read
A visit to The Talking Greenkeeper
I’ve been listening to Joe Gulotti’s The Talking Greenkeeper since the first episode back in 2018. I’m sure many of you listen to his show as well. We’ve heard Joe talk about the turf on the Montchanin course that he manages.
Micah Woods
3 min read
The turf GvX: growth versus expected
We’ve been working on this one for a long time. We’ve had the turfgrass speedometer (or speedo), which can also be called the growth ratio. Both of those names have some problems.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Nitrogen rate as a pendulum swing
One of the many ways to learn is through conversations with industry veterans. Their wisdom about how turf is managed now, and how it was managed in the past, can be invaluable.
Micah Woods
3 min read
97 more article titles
Searching for zoysia seedheads beside the Gulf of Thailand. Ninety-seven months ago I wrote a post with the title 99 article titles. That post listed the first 99 articles I’d written in my series for ゴルフ場セミナー (Golf Course Seminar) magazine.
Micah Woods
4 min read
A turf (and soil) paradox
The usual way of thinking about soil nutrients and turf quality is something like this: when the amount of a soil nutrient is low, the turf quality won’t be as good as it would be if that nutrient were more abundant in the soil.
Micah Woods
Last updated on 2024-07-10
8 min read
Better turf conditions with more intensive maintenance
You may be familiar with the grammar of greenkeeping. That’s what I call the approach to turfgrass maintenance that focuses on growth rate. As I wrote in the preface to the book with that title:
Micah Woods
2 min read
A problem with the controls
Remember the experiment I wrote about that evaluated a lot of different fertilizer “programs”? The control treatment in that experiment was urea, monoammonium phosphate, potassium sulfate, and ferrous sulfate. That urea-based treatment, which Dr.
Micah Woods
5 min read
Maps of average temperatures in the USA
You may have seen the maps of monthly growth potential through the seasons from PACE Turf. Those animated maps take the average temperature, convert it to a growth potential, and then color code a map of the USA with that animation.
Micah Woods
2 min read