An eclectic list of references
When I was preparing this book, I read a selection of 40 articles from the マイカの時間 series that I write for ゴルフ場セミナー magazine in Japan. That’s 49,015 words in English about greenkeeping, water, soil, temperature, light, organic matter, playing conditions, and fertilizer.
Then I put together this reference list for articles and books that I had mentioned in those 40 articles. It’s an eclectic list, and you might like to have a look at these. Perhaps you’ll turn up an article that you would like to read sometime.

More details and the full list are in this document.
Allen, R. G., Pereira, L., Raes, D., & Smith, M. (1998). Crop
evapotranspiration: Guidelines for computing crop water requirements.
FAO irrigation and drainage paper 56. Irrigation and drainage paper
(Vol. 56, pp. 377–384). Rome: FAO. Retrieved from
Baldwin, C., & Liu, H. (2008). Altered light spectral qualities impact
on warm-season turfgrass growth and development. USGA Turfgrass and
Environmental Research Online, 7(9), 1–12. Retrieved from
Bauer, S., Lloyd, D., Horgan, B. P., & Soldat, D. J. (2012). Agronomic
and physiological responses of cool-season turfgrass to fall-applied
nitrogen. Crop Science, 52(1), 1–10.
Beard, J. B., & Beard, H. J. (2005). Beard’s turfgrass encyclopedia for
golf courses, grounds, lawns, sports fields. East Lansing: MI: Michigan
State University Press. Retrieved from
Brede, A. D. (1991). Correction for slope in green speed measurement of
golf course putting greens. Agronomy Journal, 83, 425–426.
Bunnell, B. T., McCarty, L. B., Faust, J. E., W. C. Bridges, Jr., &
Rajapakse, N. C. (2005). Quantifying a daily light integral requirement
of a “Tifeagle” bermudagrass golf green. Crop Science, 45, 569–574.
Carrow, R. N. (2003). Surface organic matter in bentgrass greens. USGA
Turfgrass and Environmental Research Online, 2(17). Retrieved from
Dest, W. M., Guillard, K., Rackliffe, S. L., Chen, M. H., & Wang, X.
(2010). Putting green speeds: A reality check! Applied Turfgrass
Ervin, E., & Nichols, A. (2010). Organic matter dilution programs for
sand-based putting greens in Virginia. USGA Green Section Record,
48(16), 1–4. Retrieved from
Gault, W. K. (191x). Practical golf greenkeeping. The Golf Printing;
Publishing Co., London, England. Retrieved from
Gelernter, W., & Stowell, L. J. (2005). Improved overseeding programs:
1 the role of weather. Golf Course Management, 73(3), 108–113.
Retrieved from
Gross, P. (2012). Hand watering greens at the U.S. Open. USGA Regional
Update. Retrieved from
Guertal, E., & Han, D. (2009). Timing of irrigation for cooling
bentgrass greens with and without fans. USGA Turfgrass and
Environmental Research Online, 8(17), 1–5. Retrieved from
Hall, A. D. (1912). The book of the links: A symposium on golf. In (pp.
31–45). London: W. H. Smith & Son. Retrieved from
Hamilton, G. W., Livingston, D. W., & Gover, A. E. (1994). The effects
of light-weight rolling on putting greens. London: E.; F. N. Spon.
Retrieved from
Hartwiger, C. (2004). The importance of organic matter dynamics: How
research uncovered the primary cause of secondary problems. USGA Green
Section Record, 42(3), 9–11. Retrieved from
Hartwiger, C. E., Peacock, C. H., DiPaola, J. M., & Cassel, D. K.
(2001). Impact of light-weight rolling on putting green performance.
Crop Science, 41(4), 1179–1184.
Hartwiger, C., & O’Brien, P. (2001). Core aeration by the numbers. USGA
Green Section Record, 39(4), 8–9. Retrieved from
Jordan, J. E., White, R. H., Vietor, D. M., Hale, T. C., Thomas, J. C.,
& Engelke, M. C. (2003). Effect of irrigation frequency on turf quality,
shoot density, and root length density of five bentgrass cultivars.
Crop Science, 43(1), 282–287.
Kaminski, J. E., & Dernoeden, P. H. (2005). Nitrogen source impact on
dead spot (ophiosphaerella agrostis) recovery in creeping bentgrass.
International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 10(1), 214–223.
Retrieved from
Karcher, D., Nikolai, T., & Calhoun, R. (2001). Golfer’s perceptions of
green speeds vary: Over typical stimpmeter distances, golfers are only
guessing when ball-roll differences are less than 6 inches. Golf Course
Management, 69(57-60). Retrieved from
Karnok, K., & Tucker, K. (2008). Using wetting agents to improve
irrigation efficiency: Greens with a water repellent root zone require
less water when treated with a wetting agent. Golf Course Management,
76(6), 109–111. Retrieved from
Kussow, W., & Houlihan, S. (2006). The new soil test interpretations for
Wisconsin turfgrass. Wisconsin Turfgrass News, 24(1), 1, 14–16.
Retrieved from
Lawes, J. B., & Gilbert, J. H. (1859). Report of experiments with
different manures on permanent meadow land. part III. description of
plants developed by different manures. Journal of the Royal
Agricultural Society of England, 20, 246–272. Retrieved from
Lloyd, D. T., Soldat, D. J., & Stier, J. C. (2011). Low-temperature
nitrogen uptake and use of three cool-season turfgrasses under
controlled environments. HortScience, 46(11), 1545–1549. Retrieved
Nikolai, T. A. (2004). The superintendent’s guide to controlling
putting green speed. Wiley. Retrieved from
Nikolai, T., Rieke, P., J. N. Rogers III, & J. M. Vargas Jr. (2001).
Turfgrass and soil responses to lightweight rolling on putting green
root zone mixes. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal,
9(2), 604–609. Retrieved from
O’Brien, P., & Hartwiger, C. (2003). Aeration and topdressing for the
21st century. USGA Green Section Record, 41(2), 1–7. Retrieved from
Piper, C. V. (1924). Grass experiments at Rothamsted, England. Bulletin
of the Green Section of the USGA, 4(4), 101–104. Retrieved from
Piper, C. V., & Oakley, R. A. (1921). Rolling the turf. Bulletin of the
Green Section of the USGA, 1(3), 36. Retrieved from
Pippin, T. (2010). The five-day program: Alternative philosophy for
managing your topdressing program. USGA Green Section Record, 48(1),
17–19. Retrieved from
Pote, J., Wang, Z., & Huang, B. (2006). Timing and temperature of
physiological decline for creeping bentgrass. Journal of the American
Society for Horticultural Science, 131(5), 608–615. Retrieved from
Sartain, J., & Kruse, J. (2001, April). Selected fertilizers used in
turfgrass fertilization. University of Florida Extension CIR 1262.
Retrieved from
Soper, D. Z., Dunn, J. H., Minner, D. D., & Sleper, D. A. (1988).
Effects of clipping disposal, nitrogen, and growth retardants on thatch
and tiller density in zoysiagrass. Crop Science, 28(2), 325–328.
Turgeon, A. J. (2008). Turfgrass management 8th ed. Pearson Prentice
Hall. Retrieved from
USGA. (2012). Stimpmeter instruction booklet. Far Hills, NJ. Retrieved
USGA Green Section Staff. (2004). USGA recommendations for a method of
putting green construction. USGA web site. Retrieved from
Watson, J., & Knowles, T. (1999). Leaching for maintenance: Factors to
consider for determining the leaching requirement for crops. Arizona
Water Series, 22, 1–3. Retrieved from
Xu, Q., & Huang, B. (2000a). Effects of differential air and soil
temperature on carbohydrate metabolism in creeping bentgrass. Crop
Science, 40(5), 1368–1374.
Xu, Q., & Huang, B. (2000b). Growth and physiological responses of
creeping bentgrass to changes in air and soil temperatures. Crop
Science, 40(5), 1363–1368.
Zontek, S. J. (2009). When the going gets tough, go back to basics.
USGA Green Section Record, 47(4), 28. Retrieved from