OM246 reports explained

I’ve made some updates to the standard OM246 report this year. The portion of the report with charts is showing four distinct things, and I showed examples and explained them in this video.

The charts on the report show these things:

  • OM by depth over time, the total organic matter by depth, and how it has changed over time

  • OM by depth by species, the most recent test results, and how those results compare to OM246 results for surfaces of the same grass species

  • A scatterplot by depth, showing each sample from the most recent tests, with background information about other samples from all grass species at those same depths

  • The entire surface layer OM by time, which combines the OM2, OM4, and OM6 data, with adjustments for soil bulk density, to show how the surface layer is changing as a whole

After trying many different ways to look at OM246 results, the ones that I now find most useful are the four that I show on the report. I describe these in detail in the video. So if you’d like to hear more about what these charts are showing, and my comments about what I find especially relevant, please have a watch and listen.

Also, when you know the sand topdressing amount, and have OM246 data, you can start to make precise sand topdressing calculations based on the calculated organic matter accumulation rate.

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