The top 10 posts from the old blog

Remember the Viridescent blog, with its 841 posts made from 1 January 2009 until I switched to this new site in 2017? I’ve summarized the top posts on that site by year, here, and today I checked the most viewed posts of all time.
Here they are, counting down from 10 to 1. As you’ll see, some topics seem perennially popular. And you may also see that I wouldn’t make the same recommendations about coring in 2019 as I did in 2009.
[10] Why I don’t worry about micronutrients
[9] Both of these are worth your time
[8] More advantages of frequent irrigation
[7] What do wetting agents really do?
[6] Of turf, roots, and fertilizer
[5] What fertilizer is best for zoysiagrass
[4] Two similar approaches to fertilization, with one notable difference
[3] Summertime syringing to cool bentgrass greens: I wouldn’t do it today
[2] How much phosphorus does grass require?
[1] Core aeration of putting greens … how much is enough?