"Successfully complicating something that distracts us from the real challenges we should be addressing on golf courses"

Frank Rossi and Chris Tritabaugh had a short conversation about the fascinating Park Grass experiment, and about a lot more than that—fertilizer, bentgrass, dogma, salaries, budgets, detail work, GPS sprayers, and so on. You can listen at:

I won’t try to summarize their conversation, and will instead just recommend that you listen to it. It covers a lot of important topics.

A montage of photos from some of my visits to Rothamsted. What is striking to me, and I think would be to any turfgrass manager who visits, is just how striking the difference is in species composition at the plot boundaries. Going from one plot (one fertilizer treatment) to the next, over the space of less than a meter, one can see a complete change in species.
A montage of photos from some of my visits to Rothamsted. What is striking to me, and I think would be to any turfgrass manager who visits, is just how striking the difference is in species composition at the plot boundaries. Going from one plot (one fertilizer treatment) to the next, over the space of less than a meter, one can see a complete change in species.

For more about the Park Grass experiment itself, I’ll recommend:

  • This Park Grass experiment video
  • The article by Rossi and I about the experiment and the Fight Against Dogma
  • Posts with the Park Grass tag on the ATC site
  • This one too, by C.V. Piper in the 1924 Bulletin of the USGA Green Section.

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