Soil tests
We provide a complete range of testing services to clients around the world. Some common tests include:
- soil nutrient analyses
- irrigation water tests
- total organic matter (OM246 tests)
- soil physical testing
- leaf nutrient analyses
ATC is a member of Amplify, a network of over 180 agronomic consultants who offer soil, turf, and environmental guidance for clients around the world.
All testing services are provided through industry-leading Brookside Labs in New Bremen, Ohio.
ATC does a lot of research in this area too. You can sign up here to receive ATC’s free soil testing newsletter with advice and news about this topic. Previous newsletters at:
My Ph.D. dissertation was about soil testing methods and nutrient availability to turfgrass in sand rootzones. Since then, I’ve helped to develop the MLSN guidelines, conduct the Global Soil Survey, and I continue to study testing methods, sampling techniques, and nutrient content of soils and turfgrass.