M. S. Woods
- The Secret MLSN Operations Manual
- A survey of soil nutrient analyses from turfgrass sites in Asia, Europe, and North America
- A new method to measure bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.) golf course putting green ball roll uniformity
- Composite soil sampling for turfgrass
- Measuring clipping volume is easier and more useful than I expected
- The turfgrass genki level
- One Bucket at a Time
- MLSN cheat sheet
- Nutrient use, water use, and growth of manilagrass, hybrid bermudagrass, and seashore paspalum turfgrass in central Thailand
- 芝草科学とグリーンキーピング (マイカの時間 The BOOK)
- A Short Grammar of Greenkeeping
- Minimum soil nutrient guidelines for turfgrass developed from Mehlich 3 soil test results
- 2015 Global Soil Survey report
- 2014 Global Soil Survey (GSS) report
- A simple method for estimating effective cation exchange capacity, cation saturation ratios, and sulfur across a wide range of soils
- Just what the grass requires: using minimum levels for sustainable nutrition
- Only what the turf needs: updating the minimum levels for sustainable nutrition (MLSN) guidelines
- Turfgrass nutrient guidelines, peer review, and potassium
- Documenting your progress toward sustainability
- Using temperature to predict turfgrass growth potential (GP) and to estimate turfgrass nitrogen use
- Nutrient requirements of tropical turfgrass
- Achieving the warm season links
- Irrigation management in summer: timing, amount, syringing, and water quality
- Why manilagrass (Zoysia matrella) is the best choice for links-style golfing surfaces in East and Southeast Asia
- How much do clouds affect photosynthetic irradiance? Measures of light at Thailand, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Japan
- A report on putting green performance characteristics
- Minimum levels for sustainable nutrition (MLSN)
- The Park Grass experiment and the fight against dogma
- Efficacy of sodium chloride applications for control of goosegrass (Eleusine indica) in seashore paspalum turf
- Sodium chloride salt application provide effective control of sourgrass (Paspalum conjugatum) in seashore paspalum turf
- Nonacid cation bioavailability in sand rootzones
- Potassium availability indices and turfgrass performance in a calcareous sand putting green
- Potassium supply rate as measured by exchange membranes in a calcareous sand
- Effectiveness of standard soil tests for assessing potassium availability in sand rootzones
- Measuring the effects of potassium application on calcium and magnesium availability in a calcareous sand
- Potassium content of turfgrass leaves expressed on a tissue water basis