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Zoysia putting greens and expected speed
I get to see a lot of bermudagrass and zoysiagrass putting greens. In fact, most of my golf is played on one of those two surfaces. Sometimes people ask me about the ball roll on zoysia compared with roll on bermudagrass.
Micah Woods
2 min read
No core aeration, no deep verticutting, and surprise! No summer decline
Perspective. It’s funny how that works. When I first read this research report in 2011, I skimmed over some parts, and cherry-picked what I was looking for — that 15 to 20% surface area removal was required every year in order to keep soil organic matter under control.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Soil test showdown
A recent PACE Turf update mentioned this research project by Jackie Guevara and Kevin Frank: Effects of different soil testing interpretation philosophies on creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting greens.
1 min read
Fun on my front steps
On February 28, I took Wana—a fine-bladed putting green type manilagrass—rhizomes and cut to a two node length. Then I planted these cut rhizomes, each with two tiny plants on them, in the center of sand-filled pots.
Micah Woods
2 min read
This is why you replicate
On February 28, 2020, I cut some Wana manilagrass rhizomes to a two node length and planted those two node rhizomes in four sand-filled pots. After eight days, I applied the first fertilizer treatment.
Micah Woods
3 min read
Three #rturf projects: green speed & clipvol, zoysia response to fertilizer during grow-in, and report automation
You may have seen a few posts about #rturf on my personal site. I’m writing about that topic over there so I don’t clutter up the ATC site with too much data analysis and computer code.
Micah Woods
6 min read
Hollow-tine cultivation and solid-tine spiking both failed to alleviate summer bentgrass decline
A late July solid-tine spiking treatment of a creeping bentgrass green in Hokkaido, Japan. How’s this for a lede? “Hollow-tine coring and solid-tine spiking practices may not alleviate creeping bentgrass summer decline.
Micah Woods
2 min read
Have we been doing it all wrong? Soil testing and composite samples
After I wrote the seven part series about soil sampling for turfgrass, I formatted the posts into an easy-to-read 11 page PDF brochure. The take-home message is yes, we’ve been doing it wrong.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Twice the growth at a different mowing height
Bill Kreuser shared a fascinating update from one of the experiments he is conducting this summer. I wouldn’t have expected to see such a big difference in growth rate with a mowing height difference of 0.
Micah Woods
1 min read
Roots on grass supplied with N, P, and K
The N-only pot looked pretty good when I showed roots after 184 days. But that same grass grew a lot more, and produced a lot more underground roots and rhizomes, when P and K were added.
Micah Woods
1 min read