GCSAA Conference 2025
San Diego, February 2025
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See the Notes section below for even more ways to get information and updates from me.
Harmonizing Turf Growth, Soil Organic Matter, and Surface Performance
The slides as a 12.1 MB pdf file are available for download here.
These links have information related to our discussions during the seminar.
- The One Bucket at a Time ebook about clipping volume
- The OM246 calculator
- Linde et al. on “Comparing three methods to measure putting green trueness”
- The TurfGvX equation blog post on the ATC website
- An equation to adjust N rate by TurfGvX
- The Hatsuta GSV1000 topdresser, shown in the video above, has brushes before and after the point at which sand is dropped onto the green.
- To measure the sand topdressing rate, I show a few methods in this video
- This document gives my sampling recommendations for OM246 tests. Also see this 1 minute video I made that shows the sampling procedure.
- This video shows what I consider a standard method for using gravity to compact clippings in a bucket. A couple bumps to the bucket of some sort, to get rid of air pockets, and that’s enough.
- I recommend this bobble test rating scale.
For more about ATC’s soil testing services, and example reports, see our soil tests page.
See more about OM246 testing, including sampling instructions and a sample report, at the OM246 project page.
For even more information, see: