You can download the slides here:
- Systematic improvement of golf course conditions, 4.2 MB PDF file
Systematic improvement notes
With routine measurement of surface conditions, it’s possible to adjust the work in a systematic way to make the conditions better, for more days in the year, than I once thought possible. In this presentation, I explain the key things to pay attention to when applying this method of turfgrass management. We discussed these particular items (shown in the slide below), which are all connected in both playability and in turfgrass performance.

Related and supplementary information on these topics include:
- Bill Kreuser answers all my questions about plant growth regulators in this video
- The ClipVol book, One Bucket at a Time
- OM246 testing as a four step process video
- Bobble test rating scale
- Bobble test video
- The Linde et al. article Comparing three methods to measure putting green trueness
- The One Bucket at a Time book
- How to use the growth ratio to adjust nitrogen rate based on an assessment of one thing—how much the grass is growing in comparison to how much you expect it to be growing given the recent weather: Turfgrass growth ratio, nitrogen harvest, and fertilizer adjustment
- PACE Turf’s water budget spreadsheet is “an easy to use water budget spreadsheet that will estimate how much irrigation water [was expected to be used] at your location. By calculating water budgets for previous years, you can get an idea of whether you are over using irrigation water, or whether you are staying within generally acceptable guidelines.”
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For more about ATC’s soil testing services, and example reports, see our soil tests page.
See more about OM246 testing, including sampling instructions and a sample report, at the OM246 project page.
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- The ATC YouTube channel
- The ATC Doublecut and the ATC Office Hours podcasts.