Two week turfgrass tour in Japan

I was in Japan for two weeks to work at the KBC Augusta tournament, have meetings, and visit turfgrass sites. On this trip, I made a deliberate effort to record some videos to show a few things that I find interesting about turfgrass management in Japan.

For those you you who are subscribed to the ATC YouTube channel, you’ll have seen these already.

For those who haven’t subscribed yet, sign up here to get all the new videos as soon as they are released.

Here’s a list of eighteen videos from this trip.

Whether you are interested in fertilizer, zoysia, bentgrass, turf around the world, golf course design, grass maintenance techniques, wild boar fence styles, bullet trains, or sushi, I expect you’ll find something of interest in these. I hope you’ll watch all of them. If you watch just one, I’ll suggest starting with the tools I use to measure surface performance and growing environment of golf putting greens.

“Cart Rides with Micah” series

“The ATC Doublecut with Micah Woods” series

YouTube #Shorts video series

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