The top ten posts of 2022

These posts had the most views in 2022. As in past years, technical topics related to turfgrass management dominate this list.1 Four of the top ten posts in 2022 were about soil organic matter or soil organic material; two were about fertilizer or turfgrass nutrition; and two were about irrigation or soil water content.
Here they are.
[1] January, An analysis of turfgrass industry Twitter accounts in 2021, repeating the analysis made in previous years.
[2] May, How I recommend fertilizer nutrient ratios, and an explanation for why I think everyone should do it this way.
[3] October, Coring: maybe the real benefit is something else? This post makes a case for coring being done to stimulate turfgrass growth.
[4] April, What if it was never there? If there is never too much organic material in the soil, nothing needs to be done to dilute it.
[5] March, University of Florida visit and seminar with some lively photos and a screencast of my presentation.
[6] May, Soil and water management: 3 primary problems, with solutions looks at salinity and leaching fractions, sodicity or sodium hazard, and nutrient deficiencies.
[7] January, “I have always heard deep and infrequent was the way to go”—that’s what I thought at one time too, about irrigation, but that’s not how I think about it now.
[8] April, Organic material accumulates more rapidly in putting green soils under these two conditions, specifically when the soil organic matter is low to begin with, and when putting greens are young.
[9] July, The least enjoyable experiment ever involved a lot of product mixing.
[10] December, Some surprising results about playability and the ability to topdress less frequently and in lower quantities than I once thought possible.
 is a good one to bookmark.](/post/top-ten-posts-of-2022/list_hu3f9a24ae35f345dc677cb7760fb2c326_472742_df048045033739b2559ca935c1605eb3.webp)
And as in past years, it’s the “turf tourism” type of posts that got the fewest views. ↩︎