Posts Archive

All the posts from the blog, listed in chronological order.


19 Jul – 97 more article titles

10 Jul – A turf (and soil) paradox

03 Jul – Better turf conditions with more intensive maintenance

24 Jun – A problem with the controls

19 Jun – Maps of average temperatures in the USA

17 Jun – Reconstructing soil P from "disassembled" soil samples

07 Jun – Nitrogen harvested in clippings: calculation update for 2024

02 Jun – "Green sweepers that work beautifully"

31 May – Ball roll after 270 rounds

30 May – Soil testing on the Cornell Turfgrass Show

26 May – The spring growth flush

23 May – Turf Speedo looks like this

19 May – Mehlich 3 soil test P in sand rootzones

08 May – The annual and year to date clipping yield

07 May – The time component of soil test interpretation

29 Apr – No Poa after 16 years

19 Apr – This is the kind of green where zoysia beats bermudagrass

18 Apr – Optimum overseeding time windows

22 Mar – An example of ample DLI

18 Mar – Breaking the ice

12 Mar – Light and GP, again

07 Mar – Five down, one to go

04 Mar – A couple problems with year-round soil nutrient analysis

01 Mar – Testing MLSN

26 Feb – Nutrient harvest turf math

24 Feb – New OM246 video script

10 Feb – Turfgrass growth ratio, nitrogen harvest, and fertilizer adjustment

04 Feb – 'Greenkeepers know, the world over, that if the grass grows too slow, they will be out of a job'

31 Jan – Measuring effective cutting height with a laser

25 Jan – The annual top post reshuffle

21 Jan – Annual sand topdressing amounts

15 Jan – Daylength, temperature, and Zoysia flowers

03 Jan – I was surprised to read this about nitrogen, coring, and sand topdressing

01 Jan – Ten posts no one read last year


26 Dec – Grammar in a podcast and turf talk at a tournament

24 Dec – The top 10 posts of 2023

22 Dec – Flights and favorite turf photos of 2023

18 Dec – MLSN is not GP, and GP is not MLSN

14 Dec – Updated OM246 sampling instructions

12 Dec – Seminars and conferences: past, present, and future

20 Nov – Can soil samples dry too much?

19 Nov – Quantitative vs. qualitative: a little goes a long way

13 Nov – Monthly maximum N or annual maximum N

23 Oct – Documenting your progress toward sustainability

16 Oct – Bobble test rating scale

12 Oct – Botanical walks and circle cuts

09 Oct – Le Tour de France de Micah Woods

04 Oct – How much organic matter is too much?

02 Oct – An observation about seedheads in zoysia at putting green height

20 Sep – One additional chatter or snaking event in every third ball roll

12 Sep – Places with high growth potential (GP) all year long

12 Sep – Seasonal change in soil pH in a tropical monsoon climate

06 Sep – A nitrogen amount that's far too small—or is it?

05 Sep – Keeping turf free of weeds, diseases, and insects

04 Sep – Tournament diary: KBC Augusta 2023

23 Aug – Putting green data from measurement to summary

18 Aug – Tournament golf on zoysia greens

11 Aug – Soil VWC estimate by a soil water balance

29 Jul – Hourly evapotranspiration, soil water content, and crop coefficients

22 Jul – Sand topdressing measurement by exact methods

18 Jul – More observations about course maintenance in Japan

11 Jul – Four numbers about golf course maintenance in Japan

26 Jun – Coring three times a year is recommended when …

20 Jun – Shade effect of clouds

16 Jun – All about OM246

05 Jun – "Successfully complicating something that distracts us from the real challenges we should be addressing on golf courses"

26 May – Last summer at 36 locations

20 May – Best time of the year to soil sample

13 May – Reflections on growth rate, nitrogen, and topdressing

12 May – Manganese in soils and the MnAI

10 May – Managing firmness (surface hardness) of turfgrass surfaces

08 May – Converting between soil test extraction methods

07 May – A behind the scenes look at soil testing

29 Apr – Organic matter terminology in turfgrass soils

27 Apr – Regarding GP and adjustments

15 Apr – Springtime golf course maintenance in Japan

08 Apr – The growth ratio equation

30 Mar – What should my ClipVol be?

20 Mar – The GP Avatar app is updated

18 Mar – Turf video playlists

16 Mar – New seminar section on the website

28 Feb – Soil nutrient levels change

19 Feb – Putting green measurements

16 Feb – Turfgrass P and K recommendations might be getting better

09 Feb – Best judgment of the agronomist

04 Feb – This is a soil pH chart that I do like

24 Jan – K fertilizer and more snow mold

19 Jan – Teaching the bobble test video

18 Jan – Soil sampling and interpretation questions: OM246 & MLSN

12 Jan – Recommended turfgrass reading

10 Jan – Is two tenths of a pound of nitrogen a lot, or a little?

05 Jan – An analysis of turfgrass industry Twitter accounts in 2022

03 Jan – Ten posts no one read last year

02 Jan – Flights and favorite turf photos of 2022


28 Dec – The top ten posts of 2022

27 Dec – Planning forwards and measuring backwards

20 Dec – A long talk with Joe Gulotti

16 Dec – Some surprising results

09 Dec – PACE Turf updates in 2022

04 Dec – Two soil organic matter timelines

02 Dec – Key moments automatically added on videos

22 Nov – How much did the grass grow underground?

19 Nov – Park Grass photos

30 Oct – Estimated nitrogen mineralization from soil organic matter

26 Oct – Coring: maybe the real benefit is something else?

24 Oct – One reason why I recommend annual soil testing of sand rootzones

16 Oct – P fertilizer recommendations as a 2x to 18x multiple of MLSN

14 Oct – Turfgrass on a Spanish Tour

14 Oct – Five short seminars on exciting topics

08 Oct – Fertilizer recommendations by three different methods: SPF, SLAN, and MLSN

07 Oct – Frost covers as customer service

03 Oct – Grass clippings year to date

20 Sep – An alternative reference for frost delays

13 Sep – The Talking Greenkeeper: Season 5, Episode 1

12 Sep – Reminder to air dry soil samples

10 Sep – Duration of snow cover in Hokkaido

09 Sep – Two week turfgrass tour in Japan

08 Sep – Mowing patterns in tea fields

04 Sep – Do more people watch or listen to the ATC Doublecut?

19 Aug – Highlights from my presentations in New Zealand

16 Aug – ATC Doublecut listeners by country

31 Jul – Normal manganese (Mn) levels in soil and turfgrass leaf tissue

28 Jul – A conversation with Andrew Thomson

23 Jul – Drought performance of warm-season turfgrasses

21 Jul – More about the PACE Turf acquisition

19 Jul – Zoysia and bermudagrass green speed

16 Jul – Golf rounds and days open

10 Jul – The least enjoyable experiment ever

08 Jul – Sodium and potassium as percentages or concentrations

03 Jul – Low light locations for warm-season grasses

21 Jun – Survey results: fertilizer recommendations as ratios, percentages, or neither

19 Jun – Checking dollar spot with model probability

14 Jun – Working backwards in turfgrass maintenance

12 Jun – Pitch marks that last for days

02 Jun – A hypothesis about the fecundity of Zoysia

31 May – Soil and water management: 3 primary problems, with solutions

16 May – Talking Turf on Pullin' Weeds

11 May – How I recommend fertilizer nutrient ratios

09 May – All the hashtags, in a tropical climate

07 May – Is this the best extra hole in golf?

05 May – Our VIP tent seminar at the Catalunya Championship

16 Apr – Tom Cook's extraordinary lawn

14 Apr – My preferred method of OM246 sample collection

05 Apr – Organic material accumulates more rapidly in putting green soils under these two conditions

03 Apr – What if it was never there?

28 Mar – University of Florida visit and seminar

23 Mar – MLSN and correcting soil "deficiencies"

20 Mar – A turfgrass tissue testing manifesto

14 Mar – Soil, grass, and playability

06 Mar – MLSN film shoot in Hua Hin

27 Feb – A crash course in OM246 total organic matter testing

26 Feb – What's normal for OM2

25 Feb – Playability, putting green disruption, and a note about scheduling and notifications

19 Feb – Fertilizer supply vs. nutrient use

13 Feb – What is the variance in the growth potential (GP) equation?

09 Feb – Growth potential as a proxy for season length

04 Feb – Results of the soil sampling procedures survey

01 Feb – How do you collect and prepare soil samples?

18 Jan – Five comments about the ATC Office Hours on OM246

14 Jan – The wonders of [just enough] traffic on turfgrass

09 Jan – "I have always heard deep and infrequent was the way to go"

08 Jan – Results of the ATC content preferences survey

06 Jan – Ten posts no one read in 2021

03 Jan – An analysis of turfgrass industry Twitter accounts in 2021


29 Dec – The top ten posts of 2021

26 Dec – A non-comprehensive list of awesome turfgrass things other people did in 2021

22 Dec – The Talking Greenkeeper podcast with Jason Haines

21 Dec – Organic matter variability between greens at the same site

16 Dec – Our Office Hour (actually 2.5 hours) discussion, summarized

12 Dec – Zoysia, water use, and fact checking

09 Dec – One thing I'd like everyone to understand about MLSN

08 Dec – Soil organic material by mass and by volume

01 Dec – The ATC Office Hours and ATC Doublecut Debut

23 Nov – A potassium reserve in the soil: non-exchangeable and mineral K

19 Nov – Soil organic matter and N mineralization

14 Nov – Temperature, seasonal changes in growth, and figuring out the optimum amount of growth

13 Nov – Looking at the clipping volume growth ratio

11 Nov – More about zoysia on highway medians in Thailand

07 Nov – Inertia as the force of inactivity

31 Oct – How much carbon and humus are in the soil?

28 Oct – Sand topdressing and surface layer organic matter

23 Oct – Adding potassium fertilizer does not increase the soil's ability to store it

19 Oct – Green condition information boards at Japanese golf courses

14 Oct – OM246 sampling instructions

10 Oct – Bobble test and roll distance

05 Oct – Turfgrass videos with Japanese (日本語字幕あり) and Thai (ซับไตเติ้ลภาษาไทย) subtitles

03 Oct – Sand and organic matter have different bulk densities

02 Oct – OM246 reports explained

26 Sep – A tour of the Global DLI app

24 Sep – Maximum soil organic matter, not minimum, should be the goal

15 Sep – What happens when you play golf on greens that were topdressed only once in a year?

09 Sep – The putting green bobble test in practice

06 Sep – Five different ways to measure smoothness and trueness of golf ball roll on putting greens

26 Aug – Simple solutions to a difficult problem

25 Aug – MLSN and turfgrass nutrient recommendations

22 Aug – Ball roll on zoysia greens

20 Aug – An extraordinarily interesting golf tournament

10 Aug – The inexorable rise of soil organic matter

03 Aug – Lack of response to a fertilizer application

29 Jul – Extending the beer analogy

26 Jul – The art of Japanese golf course turf maintenance

26 Jul – Getting around the golf course in a kei truck

25 Jul – What we talk about when we talk about disturbance

22 Jul – The solution to an irrigation water salinity problem is more of that same water

19 Jul – Tissue tests as "postmortem types of analyses"

25 Jun – Soil water content turf hacks

19 Jun – Soil organic matter should be invigilated

14 Jun – Three things you can do right now with OM246 data

10 Jun – Total organic material accumulation rate and sand topdressing requirement

09 Jun – All the organic material

07 Jun – Organic matter change over time

07 Jun – Cranking up the volume

31 May – Another talk with Joe Gulotti

27 May – Zoysia growth habit and the type I prefer (for golf)

25 May – What you answered about MLSN

22 May – Why I don't worry about infiltration rate

17 May – The Brede equation

11 May – A stimpmeter love story

10 May – Growing bentgrass in tropical heat

03 May – An especially lucid abstract about core aeration

23 Apr – Organic matter reduction by hollow-tines, solid-tines, and sand topdressing

19 Apr – Mental models, soil organic matter, and chocolate bars

13 Apr – Zoysia putting greens and expected speed

31 Mar – A turfgrass Shiny app collection

12 Mar – N input accounting

08 Mar – You won't believe this common maintenance practice doesn't reduce organic matter at all

07 Mar – What zoysia driveways in southern Thailand taught me about rolling

03 Feb – Comparing satellite and ground-based measurements of DLI

01 Feb – Manila American Cemetery

28 Jan – A global DLI app

24 Jan – Ten posts no one read in 2020

15 Jan – No core aeration, no deep verticutting, and surprise! No summer decline

13 Jan – ATC newsletter survey results: future video topics

11 Jan – An analysis of turfgrass industry Twitter accounts in 2020

10 Jan – Flights and favorite turf photos of 2020


30 Dec – The top 10 posts of 2020

24 Dec – A non-comprehensive list of awesome turfgrass things other people did in 2020

24 Dec – Sand topdressing by exact depth: how to work it out

21 Dec – Soil test showdown

16 Dec – Flying Blind: the episode you've been waiting for

14 Dec – Thai GCSA seminar: improving playing conditions and optimizing work efficiency

12 Dec – The Flying Blind trailer: 8 things to know, measure, and adjust

08 Dec – 7 things I've learned about turfgrass around the world

04 Dec – 5 examples of Goodhart's law in turfgrass management

02 Dec – A Tale of Two Tests

30 Nov – The last year of DLI with weekly averages

29 Nov – Still Learning: the official trailer

28 Nov – Worldwide agroclimatology data, PAR, shade, and grass

25 Nov – Organic matter separation from turfgrass soil samples

16 Nov – Key things to know about high quality turf surfaces

14 Nov – Sodding highway median strips with zoysia

24 Oct – Two suggestions about clipping volume data recording

14 Oct – Fun on my front steps

08 Oct – Total organic material at the surface of warm-season grass putting greens

06 Oct – Total organic material at the surface of cool-season grass putting greens

04 Oct – The BIGGA National Regional Conference in November

14 Sep – This is why you replicate

09 Sep – Bermudagrass stolons and zoysiagrass rhizomes

31 Aug – A "new" column, starting with creeping bentgrass heat stress

26 Aug – Three #rturf projects: green speed & clipvol, zoysia response to fertilizer during grow-in, and report automation

20 Aug – What do Ninja tines, PoaCure, ClipVol, the Smith-Kerns disease model, ball roll, and MLSN have in common?

12 Aug – The cause of these spots may surprise you

03 Aug – Updated spreadsheets for sand topdressing by GP

01 Aug – Numerical notes from Nikanti GC

24 Jul – Hollow-tine cultivation and solid-tine spiking both failed to alleviate summer bentgrass decline

21 Jul – A quick geographical estimate of MLSN reach

20 Jul – Have we been doing it all wrong? Soil testing and composite samples

19 Jul – To walk or to ride, a difficult decision

08 Jul – Variation in soil organic matter (humus) from point to point on the same green

06 Jul – How much does total organic material vary within the same green?

29 Jun – Radish seedlings on a bentgrass nursery after fumigation

24 Jun – Twice the growth at a different mowing height

27 May – How MLSN works

26 May – MLSN and salinity

23 May – Bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, and water use

22 May – Four more sources for MLSN information

18 May – Brand new MLSN webinar this Friday

17 May – A new article about MLSN fertilization on golf courses

13 May – Putting green organic matter by depth in the soil

10 May – Algae, sand, and phosphorus

08 May – Webinar recording: critical maintenance this year

07 May – It is easy to know when grass grows too slow

01 May – Sand topdressing by growth rate and clipping volume

30 Apr – Temperature-based growth potential (GP) in April and November

27 Apr – Eleven years of website visits by device type

21 Apr – April 27 webinar on critical maintenance in 2020

21 Apr – MLSN and disease

19 Apr – Surface hardness of eight grass species on putting greens

18 Apr – Four tools to measure surface hardness

17 Apr – When grass grows more, it makes more roots

15 Apr – No magic bullets in plant nutrition

10 Apr – It is difficult to run a fertilizer down the field when the corn is six feet high

06 Apr – Roots on grass supplied with N, P, and K

03 Apr – Roots on grass kept deficient in P and K

26 Mar – Four ways to determine nutrient requirements

25 Mar – Turf performance and the lifespan of individual grass leaves

23 Mar – Rolling, nitrogen, dollar spot, and Microdochium patch

19 Mar – None of the expensive fertilizer programs were superior to that of urea and iron

17 Mar – Simple, idiot proof, and inexpensive

14 Mar – Why soil pH should usually be kept above 5.5

06 Mar – Morning shade looks like this

05 Mar – PAR looks like this

03 Mar – Updated K calculator

28 Feb – New technologies, ethics, and money

26 Feb – Asking the right questions

24 Feb – Quacks and Suckers

23 Feb – Before your next calcium app, read this

17 Feb – Soil organic matter: a bullet list

14 Feb – Calcium leaches?

11 Feb – Winter grass color, zoysia, and soil

09 Feb – Turfgrass soil sampling, part 7 of 7

07 Feb – Turfgrass soil sampling, part 6 of 7

06 Feb – Turfgrass soil sampling, part 5 of 7

05 Feb – Turfgrass soil sampling, part 4 of 7

04 Feb – Turfgrass soil sampling, part 3 of 7

03 Feb – Turfgrass soil sampling, part 2 of 7

02 Feb – Turfgrass soil sampling, part 1 of 7

31 Jan – Big differences between species

29 Jan – The amount of potassium leached after rain on 10 of 11 days

20 Jan – Ranking Turf Twitter in 2019

17 Jan – Catching up with my reading

10 Jan – Ten posts no one read in 2019

02 Jan – Flights and favorite turf photos of 2019


31 Dec – A non-comprehensive list of awesome turfgrass things other people did in 2019

26 Dec – The top 10 posts of 2019

25 Dec – Dandelions and potassium

21 Dec – Can you see the P?

11 Dec – Insight from Andrew Thomson's Presidents Cup Diary

11 Dec – The top 10 posts from the old blog

06 Dec – Highlights from three seminars in Copenhagen

30 Nov – Three hours of an MLSN seminar on just one slide

25 Nov – Quick screencast of my continuous improvement system presentation

17 Nov – Experiment update: fertilizer response at planting

13 Nov – I forgot this one too

08 Nov – Online education through GreenKeeper University

07 Nov – My presentations at the Oregon GCSA fall meeting

05 Nov – Handout for the OGCSA fall meeting

31 Oct – Competition, stress, and disturbance

29 Oct – Fertilizer response at planting

28 Oct – When this goes off the rails, it goes way off the rails

12 Oct – New article in GCM about MLSN

11 Oct – So many things to learn about in this world

29 Sep – Core aerating putting greens, or not

29 Sep – Time for a new excuse

22 Sep – Putting green speed, surface hardness, and clipping volume

16 Sep – Cleaning cores the easy way

08 Sep – A continuous improvement system for turfgrass

07 Sep – Grass on the Kumamoto City Tram lines

27 Aug – Ball bounce on greens after 7 days of rain

20 Aug – It's a zero-based program

20 Aug – Three seminars with the Oregon GCSA

17 Aug – Smoother fairways with a 10 ton vibratory roller

16 Aug – Pitch performance workshop in Bangkok

08 Aug – Three reasons why sand topdressing is best expressed as a depth

29 Jul – Total organic matter testing on putting greens: sample number and sample volume

22 Jul – Establishment time: zoysia grow-in from stolons

10 Jul – The Cornell Turf Talk Podcast with Special Guest David Hicks

09 Jul – Post-rain growth flush from nitrogen in the rain or nitrogen from the soil

03 Jul – New article with a straightforward discussion of clipping volume

25 Jun – This one simple trick can transform putting greens from usually good to consistently great

19 Jun – Verdure removal (or not) in turfgrass soil profile organic matter tests

14 Jun – Temperature for loss on ignition in turfgrass soils

10 Jun – Measuring organic matter

09 Jun – Thinking about sand

06 Jun – The SportsTurf Interview: Dr. Micah Woods

05 Jun – Turf color, consistency, and the oldest course in Thailand

02 May – Of conventional mowers, electric mowers, and electricity generation

01 May – "Positive comments from the players which is really what counts"

27 Apr – The soil temperature #TurfHack works again

18 Apr – Creeping bentgrass nutrient use in summer

07 Apr – Genki level pamphlet

19 Mar – Half-aerified greens; sodded fairway stripes; with other interesting and informative matters

17 Mar – Is it temperature or day length?

10 Mar – Tokyo temperatures and growth potential, animated

08 Mar – Regarding how soil tests work

05 Mar – Pretty hopeless in predicting deficiency

21 Feb – An important Conference takes place between Mr. Gulotti and Andrew McDaniel

18 Feb – Do you need to add beneficial microbes to the soil to make it function properly?

18 Feb – The turfgrass genki level, part 5: what's real, what's not, & the simplicity of this

15 Feb – The turfgrass genki level, part 4: a normalized comparison of N fertilizer to growth rate

10 Feb – The turfgrass genki level, part 3: turf growth response measured by clippings

03 Feb – The turfgrass genki level, part 2: showing N applied in relation to standard N

03 Feb – The turfgrass genki level, part 1: from temperature to standard N

02 Feb – Northern Virginia sunlight in 2018 compared to previous years

31 Jan – Ranking Turf Twitter in 2018

28 Jan – A golfers' paradise

27 Jan – BTME 2019 on Twitter

27 Jan – Ten posts that no one read in 2018

21 Jan – Can you spot the grass that did not get enough water?

20 Jan – Flights and favorite turf photos of 2018

02 Jan – The top 10 posts of 2018


30 Dec – A non-comprehensive list of awesome turfgrass things other people did in 2018

27 Dec – One bucket at a time

26 Dec – Four amazing charts: number 3 will shock you!

14 Dec – 3 presentations at the Czech Greenkeepers Association conference

08 Dec – Autonomous mower at 12 mm produced higher quality turf, increased shoot density, and reduced energy use compared to a conventional reel mower

01 Dec – Organic matter and green speed at the 40th Spanish Greenkeepers Congress

29 Nov – Humbug, the MLSN movie

21 Nov – Nutranta seminar at Manila Southwoods

17 Nov – Kurofune keeper

17 Nov – The new MLSN movie trailer

06 Nov – Guest on the Talking Greenkeeper show

23 Oct – Attacked vigorously from every quarter

21 Oct – "Nothing to do with whether or not it works"

18 Oct – Top 25 turfgrass tweets of the 2018 Ryder Cup

15 Oct – Drought, bermudagrass, and zoysiagrass

15 Oct – Four reasons zoysia should be a poor choice for California

14 Oct – High resolution DLI maps of the United States

11 Oct – Golf and Health

10 Oct – Botanizing at Nippon Treasure Links

09 Oct – Monthly Turfgrass Roundup: September 2018

01 Oct – The turfgrass twilight zone

30 Sep – MLSN for leaf tissue

29 Sep – "Hell, I did that 30 years ago"

28 Sep – Is it turf grass, or turfgrass?

27 Sep – What we talked about

23 Sep – Catching up on my reading, heat stress edition

16 Sep – Rituals, surrogate markers, and turf performance outcomes

16 Sep – What's the best way to keep up with all you're doing?

15 Sep – Recording of my presentation about managing turfgrass diseases in Asia

14 Sep – Shopping for magazines in 7-11 at 4 a.m.

12 Sep – Nitrogen, rain, and starting point estimates

07 Sep – Airplane fuel requirements, soil test calcium, and MLSN

20 Aug – Piper and Pebble Beach

10 Aug – A soil temperature turfhack

03 Aug – After 17 inches of rain, how much K leached?

30 Jul – Managing turfgrass diseases in Asia with minimal input

24 Jul – Grass and soil for sports turf in Thailand

23 Jul – Temperature and zoysia

15 Jul – It doesn't have to be so complicated

10 Jul – A pleasant day, with an unpleasant termination

07 Jul – Two solutions for the problems of turfgrass fertilizer recommendations

29 Jun – Predicting organic matter in turfgrass soils

24 Jun – What causes disasters, expensive corrective measures, and deterioration of good golfing conditions?

17 Jun – Smith-Kerns and korai

10 Jun – Some rise, some fall, some climb

03 Jun – Two more things about clipping volume: timelines & ball roll

01 Jun – Relative to their own requirements, animals and microbes live in a carbon-rich, nitrogen-poor world

31 May – Is carbon "the next frontier in fertilization?"

30 May – The probability of a dollar spot epidemic

22 May – Turf stories as Twitter Moments

21 May – Paspalum and manilagrass lawns

20 May – So much silicon research I can't keep up with it all

04 May – You have been featured - Golf Digest India May 2018

03 May – Monthly Turfgrass Roundup: April 2018

30 Apr – Tissue testing and gas mileage

28 Apr – Is morning sun the most important for turf? It depends.

24 Apr – Recording of my #ClipVol webinar at TurfNet

22 Apr – ATC website visits by device type

16 Apr – Three recent conversations

05 Apr – Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist

01 Apr – The case for reactive greenkeeping

31 Mar – Par Golf's Impact manga, media, and golf course maintenance

25 Mar – Clipping volume, green speed, and units

18 Mar – Javagrass lawns in Bangkok

11 Mar – Leaves of grass

08 Mar – "I really wish that I could hear this presentation"

07 Mar – Looking at times and words from ten thousand tweets

28 Feb – "After a pimento cheese sandwich and a Masters club …"

14 Feb – Turf conditions, efficiency, and the 'Grammar of Greenkeeping'

11 Feb – I've got a new slide

09 Feb – When does it usually rain in Bangkok?

06 Feb – How to get a quick estimate of grass nutrient use

05 Feb – If the greens are too hard, how to make them soft?

03 Feb – New MLSN cheat sheet

24 Jan – My four presentations at BTME

20 Jan – More than a success story

15 Jan – "Never has a sport needed to adapt more"

13 Jan – I've been asked to give a seminar on MLSN guidelines

09 Jan – Turfgrass Twitter Analysis


30 Dec – The top 10 posts of 2017

29 Dec – Flights and favorite turf photos of 2017

24 Dec – A non-comprehensive list of awesome turfgrass things other people did in 2017

23 Dec – Fixing these issues in one fell swoop

21 Dec – Ten posts that no one read in 2017

20 Dec – Topdressing frequency on golf course putting greens in Japan

04 Dec – "I am curious about your stance on nutrients in irrigation water …"

02 Dec – Is the MLSN value the average?

01 Dec – Representing the distribution of a lot of numbers

27 Nov – Minimalist turfgrass nutrition

26 Nov – "Aside from allowing me to cut my nitrogen rates in half without compromising turf quality, I have seen reductions in turf diseases, thatch, required mowing, fuel use and labor"

16 Nov – Year to date rain, and bermudagrass quality

15 Nov – Turf around the world, with a couple maps

13 Nov – The Palm Springs inflection date in 2017

05 Nov – Warm-season grass, autumn temperatures, and winter overseeding

29 Oct – As to the MLSN guidelines … how do they apply to growing in a new course?

23 Oct – The September cover article in Bizgolf about turf, me, and ATC

21 Oct – Presentation videos from the 2017 ASHS conference

19 Oct – My presentations in Coeur d'Alene

13 Oct – Historical clipping data

10 Oct – This is the time of year for …

04 Oct – "The difference between a model working great and being a massive failure"

27 Sep – "Potassium applications have been associated with increased winter diseases in northern climates"

25 Sep – The growth, nutrient use, and water use of 3 grasses in central Thailand

23 Sep – Converting grass stolon planting rates from bushels to mass per area

16 Sep – "Percent base saturation seems not to be a particularly useful concept"

15 Sep – Flipping things around

13 Sep – Three distinct ways I've thought about turfgrass management

03 Sep – Sand topdressing and growth potential

01 Sep – GP is a number. It's explained here in photos and words.

29 Aug – A greenkeeping discussion

24 Aug – MLSN in use: soil tests, fertilizer, and the results

23 Aug – How to spend less than $5,000 on tournament green fertilizer

20 Aug – Sand topdressing to match grass growth

18 Aug – A lot more than your average tournament

16 Aug – I just bought a plane ticket to Manchester

15 Aug – Geographical analysis of those using MLSN

14 Aug – Morning clipping volume during tournament week at KBC Augusta

11 Aug – Turfgrass industry social network use for work

09 Aug – Tissue testing for turfgrass

08 Aug – Tissue testing: sometimes my own words come back to haunt me

07 Aug – Tissue testing: aiming at the wrong target

06 Aug – Have you seen turf that ran out of potassium?

31 Jul – Phosphorus deficiency symptoms in the control plots

30 Jul – A chart of asianturfgrass's most influential Twitter followers

27 Jul – Coming up in October

27 Jul – Remember this? Saving $150,000 in a year? I checked the results 8 months later

26 Jul – Can we guess how low the P is here

21 Jul – Turfgrass at a Tourism Convention

17 Jul – Green speed ridgeline plot and the work to produce these conditions

16 Jul – Sward stimpmeter speed for seven species

14 Jul – My frustration in not being able to increase our green speed

12 Jul – More followers as a superintendent?

06 Jul – This will make you rethink what you throw in the spray tank

05 Jul – An economic case study

04 Jul – Clipping volume, or clipping weight?

28 Jun – Sorry if this is a rubbish question

26 Jun – I don't really need to show any data for this to be certain

25 Jun – No matter how much sodium one puts into a sand rootzone, the soil structure cannot be affected, so gypsum won’t be required

23 Jun – Do the MLSN guidelines use 17 essential nutrients?

19 Jun – "Already proving to be more valuable than I originally expected"

18 Jun – Tonight’s reading

15 Jun – “Is there a particular reason why you think it’s a poor way to fertilise?”

03 Jun – How much N is in rain and snow?

01 Jun – Of turf, roots, and fertilizer

31 May – The two green system usually means there are two bentgrass greens per hole

21 May – Soil test interpretation and more: 4 seminars in Australia

07 May – What's my workflow? 2017 edition

05 May – MacKenzie's fundamental principle of greenkeeping

25 Apr – A fascinating tour of courses you might not otherwise see

24 Apr – Grass in a tropical park

17 Apr – The GP Avatar app

15 Apr – An MLSN Refresher

25 Mar – Aluminum and soil pH in 3,010 soil samples

09 Mar – Simulating irrigation frequency at the world famous "snake" course

21 Feb – The Winter’s Tale

07 Feb – The Micah no jikan book …

30 Jan – Playing golf in ice and snow

25 Jan – This is one more post the financial controllers might not want to see

17 Jan – Preventing nutrient deficiencies

09 Jan – Why I don't worry about micronutrients

06 Jan – Sand, leading to more growth, needing more sand, leading to more growth, needing more sand


30 Dec – Maybe those that soil test are just more likely to fertilize in general?

19 Dec – The soil test numbers are almost double MLSN standards and I'm still getting recommendations to apply more

16 Dec – An extremely useful tool for the study of putting green speed variability

12 Dec – This is probably superfluous, but …

09 Dec – An eclectic list of references

05 Dec – How to lose 120 million yen with frost delays

29 Nov – Tropical carpetgrass on putting greens

16 Nov – Fall potassium and winter traffic on a bentgrass green

07 Nov – Both of these are worth your time

19 Sep – Dog’s footprint and grass susceptibility to this disease

06 Sep – Thailand putting green performance in July: a summary

05 Sep – Bangkok is a long way from Knoxville

03 Sep – Fast release fertilizer, fertilizer burn, and root growth

02 Sep – MLSN and the probability of a response to fertilizer application

17 Aug – More about the most sustainable grass hypothesis

02 Aug – Is it normal to be cloudy like this?

26 Jul – A hypothesis about the most sustainable grass

25 Jul – On the variability of hybrid bermudagrass used on putting greens

26 Jun – Does soil water content affect nighttime soil temperatures in summer?

23 Jun – Comparing nutrient content of turfgrass soils

04 Jun – 99 article titles

29 May – Water quality and pesticide performance

17 May – Shade and sun

07 May – How to save 82% on fertilizer cost

01 May – Roots, growth potential, and fertilizer

30 Mar – That's not the way it is supposed to work

27 Mar – Every spring when the snow melts

25 Mar – I wrote a book and you can read it this weekend

15 Mar – A rule of thumb for cloud effect on PAR

19 Jan – GP and GDD: are they comparable?

13 Jan – Misleading, irrelevant, or just plain wrong

01 Jan – A summary of photosynthetically active radiation for 1 year at Tokyo


21 Dec – Estimating daily light integral (DLI) in Tennessee

11 Dec – 40, 30, & 20

07 Dec – Botanizing in Bangkok

11 Oct – I'd be applying potassium all the time

04 Oct – “As clear as mud”

16 Sep – A DLI Index

15 Jun – Which affects growth more? Light or temperature?

09 Jun – Turfgrass Mystery: the case of the greener grass

17 May – Golf tournaments and weather: can you imagine?

03 May – 3 decades to use all calcium in the soil?

30 Apr – The choice is economic, not agronomic

26 Apr – 2 similar approaches to turfgrass nutrition, with 1 notable difference

19 Apr – Using plant growth regulators on golf course putting greens

31 Mar – Rhubarb, custard, and the little green book

26 Mar – “Can you send me anything that explains the differences between matrella and japonica?”

04 Mar – N & MLSN: what's the connection?

28 Feb – Silica and Green Speed

24 Feb – “Nothing mysteriously beneficial in their formulas”

14 Feb – A hypothesis concerning the most important time for sunlight to fall on turfgrass

09 Feb – Concerning the availability of nutrients in soil

05 Feb – Is sodium an imaginary problem?

27 Jan – Does stressed turf require more nutrient supply, or less?


17 Dec – What do wetting agents really do?

13 Dec – "I started using the MLSN guidelines and was amazed with the huge impact this made"

11 Dec – Even at extremely high concentrations, the bicarbonate did not seal off the soil

13 Nov – Everyone knows zoysia grows slower than bermuda, except when …

28 Oct – “Available” calcium, soil pH, and fearmongering

15 Oct – "The salesmen all suggest Calcium"

14 Oct – Measuring surface hardness on greens, fairways, and approaches

09 Oct – Is this right? 73% of samples from good turf actually require more fertilizer?

30 Sep – Why is the grass so good, but the soil test results so bad?

26 Sep – Conventional nutrient guidelines: explaining what I mean by "broken"

15 Sep – Seasonal nitrogen use, how much and when?

08 Sep – On fertilizer, and whether it should change by season

05 Sep – Zoysia on putting greens? Why?

28 Aug – It cures fairy ring and prevents fungal pathogens: an anecdote about ammonium sulfate

20 Aug – More about metrics: turf in 2 dimensions

29 Jul – A number between 0 and 1: using the turfgrass growth potential

16 Jul – Park Grass experiment video

14 Jul – Helicopter spraying

13 Jul – Increasing potassium “may impart a negative effect on drought resistance”

06 Jul – Spots of excitement in a boring experiment

02 Jul – If you want to do a 3 million dollar irrigation system, you don’t call me

25 Jun – The most common soil testing mistakes and how to avoid them

20 Jun – On the seductive attractions of metric units

13 Jun – Hitting all of our goals

12 Jun – 3 fine football fields

06 Jun – Grass species and the 2 green system

05 Jun – Spring reflections on autumn impressions

15 May – Of trees, turf, and tropical tournament golf

03 May – More advantages of frequent irrigation

02 May – 10 numbers for putting green maintenance

11 Apr – Fertilizer requirement identified with 3 numbers

31 Mar – Divot problems (or not) on manilagrass tees

27 Mar – Tea fans for air movement on bentgrass greens

25 Mar – Golf in Japan, Mt. Fuji, and the two green system

02 Mar – Relationship between soil water content and turfgrass surface hardness

12 Feb – How does a ball roll on a zoysia green?

10 Jan – Nutrient use and nutrient requirements for turfgrass


31 Dec – Turfgrass, overseeding, and growth potential at Dubai

24 Nov – 3 reasons sheep are better than cows for mowing fairways

20 Oct – Not the usual everyday maintenance

29 Sep – Turfgrass Notes from Iceland (photo gallery)

29 Sep – Turfgrass Notes from Iceland (notes)

28 Sep – A Method for Estimating Turfgrass Nutrient Requirements: a report from the Icelandic Greenkeepers Association meeting

04 Aug – Does extra potassium improve bermudagrass performance when soil sodium is high?

05 Jul – Looking back to a July with record heat and drought

16 Jun – Getting around the golf course on a sulky

06 Jun – Summertime syringing to cool bentgrass greens: I wouldn’t do it today

05 Jun – Explaining the turfgrass growth potential

02 Jun – For irrigation, which is better? Deep and infrequent, or light and frequent?

14 May – The Best Golfing Destination in Asia

22 Apr – Waterfall chart of putting green calcium levels

21 Mar – Manilagrass tees and divot problems, fact or fallacy?

26 Feb – Turfgrass Mystery: where can we find this beautiful grass?

24 Jan – Sand, sodium, and soil structure

15 Jan – Playing Golf in the Snow: more greenkeeping adventures from Japan


20 Nov – Overseeded (or not) fairways in Japan

19 Sep – How to save 60% or more in turfgrass fertilizer cost

11 Sep – What is causing the splotchy dew pattern on this fairway?

09 Sep – Why it is not important to maintain soil pH between 6.5 and 7.0

03 Sep – Correcting a common misapprehension about seashore paspalum

25 Jul – Why are there tee markers in the middle of the fairway?

11 Jun – Rolling, multi-course facilities in Japan, and the best zoysia course in the world

09 Jun – Calcium deficiency in turfgrass, an imaginary problem?

04 Jun – Fairway aerification with no clean-up required

01 Jun – Remote controlled golf carts, large patch, and the two green system in Japan

30 May – Turfgrass Mystery: what insect caused this damage?

12 Feb – Calcium for turfgrass: is there enough in the soil?

11 Jan – Potassium for turfgrass: interview with Dr. Larry Stowell of PACE Turf


19 Oct – A surprising discovery in Oregon: zoysiagrass and bermudagrass

07 Jul – The two green system on Japanese golf courses

08 Jun – What grasses are growing on golf courses in Thailand?

22 Apr – Fertilizer and weeds at Park Grass

04 Jan – Why I Study Japanese


30 Dec – Plant available nutrients in sand rootzones

06 Oct – Asian Amateur Championship at Kasumigaseki Country Club

12 Sep – Which is a stronger grass, Paspalum or Zoysia?

24 Feb – Bermudagrass white leaf: a most unsightly disease


19 Sep – Seashore paspalum seed from Oregon, really!

12 Sep – Where is Sea Spray paspalum seed grown?

26 Jul – How much phosphorus does grass require?

05 Jul – Thatch control by burning

18 Jun – Sodium chloride for weed control

12 Jun – Turfgrass at Dubai

09 Jun – Cost Savings & Turfgrass Maintenance

12 May – Mowing patterns & grass color

27 Mar – Can sodium chloride control weeds in seashore paspalum turf?